News story

QA Delivers Training to Support Web Services Take-off

Learning NewsQA

Research* from QA, the UK’s leading provider of specialist training and consulting, indicates that nearly half (42%) of IT professionals believe that Web Services is the most important technology issue for the IT industry over the coming 12 months.

In response to client requirements to better understand Web Services technology, QA has launched two new Web Services courses for Java and .NET developers who are required to assess or implement Web Services for their organisations.

Thomas Lee, Chief Technologist at QA commented, “Web Services allow developers to take advantage of their existing J2EE or .NET applications to extend their scope and reach. IT professionals need to understand how the Web Services technology and standards can add value and QA’s special place in the industry ensures that we provide insights into cutting edge developments.”

QA’s programme for IT professionals has been developed by QA’s unique cadre of Principal Technologists, technology and industry experts. Working closely with technology providers, Principal Technologist develop courses and seminars on new and emerging technology developments to meet the technical and business needs of organisations.

Lee added, “2002 saw considerable hype surrounding Web Services but the concept was slow take off. Today, many organisations feel that they should be aware of the potential benefits of Web Services – for example in improved customer service, web-enabled legacy systems and remote access to company information, but many are still struggling with the how. Our new courses and special events seek to provide the answers. ”

QA’s Web Services offering:
-Developing XML Web Services using Microsoft ASP.NET
The goal of this Microsoft course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to develop Web Services based solutions. The course focuses on using the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, Microsoft Visual C#.NET, Microsoft ASP.NET, and Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) to enable delegates to build, deploy, locate and consume Web Services.

-Developing Web Services Using Java
This unique QA-authored three-day course, explains the web services architecture, examines the underlying technologies and provides the opportunity to create a Web Service. The course is designed for experienced Java programmers and designers and technical architects with Java programming experience.

-One-day Web Services Seminar: Guest speaker from OASIS
QA will host a free one-day seminar on Wednesday, 12 February that will prove invaluable for anyone taking their first steps into Web Services technology. Guest speaker, Pim Van der Eijk, the European Representative for OASIS - the Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - will help attendees understand the importance of clear standards for the future success of Web Services.
Venue: Institute of Electrical Engineers, London. Time: 9am – 4:30pm
For further information on the limited places call 020 7656 8402 or email

For further information on QA’s training programme for Web Services or to book places on courses, call Client Services on 0870 90 600 90 (9.00am to 5.30pm), e-mail QA at or visit QA’s website at

*Survey of over 700 QA delegates conducted by 12 Consulting on behalf of QA.