News story

QA partners with white-hat hackers, Hackcess, to improve IT security

Learning NewsQA

QA, the UK’s leading provider of training and consulting, today announces a unique partnership with Hackcess, ethical hackers and a specialist provider of security training courseware, to provide organisations with an extended programme of security training.

From September, QA’s expert security instructors will deliver Hackcess’s hands-on, scenario-based courses to IT professionals in QA’s training centres across the UK and Ireland. The courses will complement QA’s existing portfolio of security training and certification and ensure organisations have the skills required to protect their organisations from cyber-crime.

“The most effective way to combat an attacker is to think and behave like one,” commented Justin Turner, Head of Future Products and Technologies at QA. “At QA, we understand that our clients need complete security training. That’s why we have decided to partner with Hackcess, a company whose security expertise is derived from real-life hacking. Machiavelli was right when he said ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer ’. Together, QA and Hackcess are helping our clients to better understand the threat of hacking and thereby better protect their systems.”

“Security breaches are becoming increasingly sophisticated and every organisation is a target,” explained Philippe Marc, Managing Director, Hackcess. “As a result, sound training is most important. We are delighted to partner with QA, a company with the experience and leadership in IT training to deliver a full programme of security training.”

Security is a core component of QA’s entire training portfolio, both as a specialist programme and as a feature of all technical courses. The specialist security training programme addresses four key areas of security: application security, infrastructure security, operational security and organisational security to provide companies with a thorough breadth and depth of security expertise. This leading offering will be enhanced further by courseware from Hackcess to help IT professionals reduce and avoid security breaches.

Course areas include:
 Hacking Techniques
 Penetration Tests
 Securing Networks
 Security for Systems Administration UNIX/Linux
 Security for Systems Administration Windows
 Security for SQL Servers

For further information about QA’s security training offering, visit, call Client Services on 0870 90 600 90 or email