News story

QA supports informal learning with LearningGuide

London, UKLearning NewsQA

QA, Training Company of the Year 2005, has recently added to its portfolio an innovative new workplace learning support tool, designed to help organisations with the adoption of applications and working procedures.

The tool, LearningGuide, provides bespoke material to support customers' specific needs or tailored applications. LearningGuide can support a new product roll-out, aiding employee take-up and compliance by delivering awareness, ongoing assistance and supporting skills in specific applications. Through 'informal' learning, where people move at their own pace through tasks and have greater control over the learning experience, LearningGuide gives users the opportunity to support their day-to-day tasks with customised online support and provides quick solutions to ensure effective working.

"Where on-going, ad-hoc learning support is required, LearningGuide allows learners to control their own learning, with the materials made available to them on their Intranet or desktop." Explains Director of Learning at QA, Brian Sutton. "As trainers respond to the changing needs of learning, a tool like this can be combined with other elements of a training programme, such as short courses and one-to-one support, to build a bespoke learning package that best meets the needs of the individual.

"It's important for companies to understand that learning doesn't stop outside the training room, but continues at the desktop on this informal basis. By providing its clients with a LearningGuide product, QA will be able to ensure that the informal learning is of the same high quality as the classroom tuition.

QA is already developing a bespoke solution for a major financial institution that is looking to assist its online banking function, and we are confident that the LearningGuide will add significant value to the project through the provision of online support."

Informal learning found in many organisations can include asking colleagues for help, searching the network and Internet and trial and error. However, Bob Mosher, Director of Strategy for Microsoft Learning, believes there can be a more structured approach; "More learning is taking place at the desk and workers are seeking instant answers to queries - if they are going to find the right answers then learning providers need to engage with learners in their workplaces. The industry calls this informal learning, and supporting this type of learning is an important goal for organisations that want to ensure their employees are making the most of their knowledge and abilities."

By supporting desktop and enterprise applications, migrations and upgrades, and accelerating user adoption of new systems, LearningGuide can often provide significant cost and time savings for business. According to Alfred Remmits, President at LearningGuide, QA is the ideal partner for delivering this tool; "As the leading IT training company in the UK, QA is best placed to help companies integrate the LearningGuide into their training programmes. QA will provide sales, service and development for LearningGuide in the UK."

LearningGuide is available to support a wide range of requirements, such as enterprise applications, desktop processes, organisational policies and procedures and compliance programmes and can be customised to take account of training goals and staff abilities. For more information on how your business could implement a LearningGuide, contact QA on 0870 90 600 90 or by email on