News story

Deployment planning key for Windows Vista success: organisations already planning for upgrade

Learning NewsQA

Many companies are already planning their implementation of the new Windows Vista operating system, according to learning company QA-IQ. At a recent Windows Vista summit, hosted by QA-IQ, 78% of organisations indicated that they are already planning for the new system.

Organisations planning Windows Vista deployment are keen to understand how the process can be made more reliable and repeatable at this important stage of the product lifecycle, and discover the benefits of automating much of the process. Many are already ensuring that the necessary skills are in place both for technical teams and to support end-users prior to beginning deployment.

Principal Technologist at QA-IQ, Dave Britt, explains; "Deploying any operating system, but particularly Windows Vista, to your business desktops needs planning if you are to make it both effective from the outset and efficient throughout the lifetime of the operating system. Deployment has typically been perceived as complex and difficult to achieve, but the latest version of Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) has improved this dramatically.

"Often companies delay upgrading operating systems as it is seen as both costly and time-consuming, but with light-touch and zero-touch deployment the process can be significantly simplified. By making sure that they are planning ahead companies can ensure that their Vista implementation is successful."

QA-IQ’s sister company, IQ-Sys, is also seeing significant demand for SoftGrid solutions from its channel partners supporting Vista implementation. Speaker at the summit from IQ-Sys, Davidson Baron, explains; "Successful application deployment can be labour-intensive, and particularly for large organisations it is often complex. For companies looking to deploy new solutions such as Windows Vista, or to reduce the cost of managing applications generally, this technology is an ideal way to simplify this process."

QA-IQ has designed its Windows Vista offering to support customers throughout the lifecycle of the operating system, providing skills for both technical teams and end-users. Having already delivered training to Microsoft Partners and to the OEM community, the company is experienced in the challenges and opportunities that this new product presents, and ideally positioned to support companies with an end-to-end learning solution for Windows Vista deployment.

With 75% of attendees at the one-day event also evaluating Office 2007 it is clear that there is significant demand for the latest products from Microsoft from corporate users as well as consumers. For more information on QA-IQ's Microsoft courses visit, call 0870 90 600 90 or email