News story

Gain hands-on skills with new live learning from QA-IQ

Learning NewsQA

Integrated practical learning ensures real-world experience: QA-IQ announces an innovative learning opportunity with the launch of its new Experience Packs. Allowing learners to gain real-world experience with new and existing technologies, the hands-on practical sessions ensure IT professionals return to the workplace having already gained experience of the actual situations they will meet.

Traditionally, experience is something that comes with time – IT professionals become experienced when they have done a task many times and have learnt from their mistakes. However, this can be a risk for companies – staff need to gain experience, but not at the risk of project success. The challenge for business is to improve the experience of individuals and teams, developing their practical know-how with no risk to business-as-usual. QA-IQ’s new Experience Packs allow learners to tackle real-world tasks and challenges in a safe, live environment. By developing capabilities in this way learners minimise the risk of making errors and improve their ability to apply the technical knowledge when the situation arises.

Microsoft Business Manager at QA-IQ, Will Hawkins, explains; "In the workplace skills can be tested in business critical situations with little or no warning – but if a server crashes and the IT Pro has already practiced restoring the server as part of their integrated training they will have the confidence in their ability to cope. We believe that our Experience Packs will provide the best of both worlds – the opportunity to gain the vital experience, without the risk to business processes of a live environment.

"Skills and knowledge can also diminish over time if they’re not used, but we’re aware that there are often strong business reasons for training to take place some time before the implementation of a project. With QA-IQ Experience Packs, teams can revisit techniques and specific tasks that haven’t been used for a while to make sure that they’re up-to-speed before critical projects. Refreshing skills in this way is cost-effective and complements the classroom experience. The Experience Pack also provides ongoing support in the workplace to extend the learning experience beyond the formal training time."

QA-IQ’s Experience Packs provide live access to real equipment and software, without the cost of equipment set-up, delivery or administration by using Live Labs to facilitate experiential learning. The user steps through a series of guided actions, works through real-world scenarios, and actively controls live equipment, learning-by-doing in a 'trial and error' fashion.

Live Labs can be accessed from any broadband connection, at anytime and from any place. As a web-based solution, Experience Packs provide the flexibility for the user to learn in a way and at a pace in which they are comfortable.

To find out more about QA-IQ’s new Experience Packs, call us on 0870 90 600 90, email on or visit our website at