News story

Improve compliance with strong data skills:Authorised Oracle certification from QA-IQ

Learning NewsQA

Strong data management skills are of increasing importance in a world where business processes are shaped by information. With essential customer records gathered from customer service systems, web sites and payment processing, it's critical that this data is stored and maintained effectively and securely.

Ensuring staff have the knowledge they need to manage the increasing amount of data is business critical - compliance procedures are only as good as the skills and reliability of the people implementing the processes and systems. With Oracle certification you can be assured that your staff meet industry-recognised standards.

"As an Oracle Authorised Education Provider our courses will fulfil the 'hands on' requirement to achieve certification," explains QA-IQ's Vendor Manager for Oracle, Bill Cosgrave, "Database products are increasingly being used as tools to manipulate information from many different environments, so ensuring that staff are all working at or above the same standard is essential. The hands-on requirement of certification is an important part of this, and as an authorised training provider we can provide this for your staff.

"We recommend that certification tracks are followed, to allow delegates to understand the next steps they need to take in their development. For example, those looking to make sure they have the skills to become an certified Oracle developer (Oracle Certified Associate and Oracle Certified Professional), a skill much in-demand, can begin with the standard language courses, then focus on Forms and Internet applications."

QA-IQ has recently launched its certification track to help customers identify the courses leading to the Oracle certified developer qualification. These include the points at which examinations can be taken, and identify where alternative options can be taken to specialise - depending on the technology used within their business.

To find out more about QA-IQ's Oracle courses, delivered in partnership with Oracle University, and how to gain certification, call us on 0870 90 600 90, email on or visit our website at