News story

Saffron Interactive launches anti-bribery and corruption e-learning course

London, UKLearning NewsSaffron Interactive

Saffron Interactive, one of Europe’s leading e-learning, mobile and blended learning companies, has launched a range of anti-bribery and corruption e-learning packages to help businesses stay within the law.

Once the Bribery Act 2010 comes into effect this year, it will be far easier to commit an offence and the repercussions of doing so are severe, from reputational damage for the organisation to fines and prison sentences for individuals. Simply asking employees to confirm they have understood the guidelines is not enough, yet 50% of companies don’t have an anti-bribery and corruption programme in place. The tight timescales mean that organisations may not have sufficient time to engage experts and stakeholders to develop a fully bespoke solution.

In response to this need, Saffron has designed an effective and engaging e-learning course, which embodies our award-winning approach and which is ready to deploy immediately. The course lasts around 30 minutes, and ensures compliance and competence through carefully designed scenarios and a focus on behaviours rather than legal theory.

The per-head cost of any e-learning solution should be weighed against the cost of failing to comply with the Bribery Act 2010. We have created a range of packages to cater to the differing needs and environments of large corporate, mid-size companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises. For more details of the packages available or a demo of the anti-bribery and corruption course, please contact Stephanie Dedhar ( or Nick Simons (