News story

You've Survived the Recession - Now What?

LONDONLearning NewsThe Ken Blanchard Companies

It's been a tough time, but your business is still here. You've had to cope with shrinking budgets, downsized workforces, customers who exhibit totally new buying behaviours and expectations, and jittery employees. So what should your next move be?

The Ken Blanchard Companies has released a white paper, Thriving in the New Business Reality, pinpointing strategic moves for businesses that no longer fear surviving, and are daring to think about thriving in the new business reality.

The challenge, says the white paper - a collaborative effort involving Blanchard's key consulting partners - is to innovate, and find new ways to save and make money while rallying the troops for what lies ahead.

Meeting this challenge requires a four-pronged approach, says the Blanchard team: a shift in mind-set; a new approach to culture; the capacity to change; and flexible leadership that 'walks the talk.'

Key steps organisations and leaders can take to move from survival to growth are outlined, among them re-evaluating business models; 'over' communicating to build trust with employees; creating an entrepreneurial culture; encouraging new and divergent ways of thinking; 'leading by example' and, crucially, giving people permission to fail.

For a copy of Blanchard's free white paper, Thriving in the New Business Reality, email or download from