eLN Connect 2019 news highlights
eLN Connect 2019 took place in London in November and Learning News cameras were there along with Training Journal to capture what happened.
eLN Connect 2019 focused on the need for learning to be integrated within the flow of work and and how learning & development professionals can support organisations in building and fostering learning cultures that thrive.
The event comprised a conference with invited speakers discussing their experiences of L&D in their organisations, workshops run by elearning practitioners and an exhibition of commercial learning providers.
Learning News and Training Journal spoke with several of the event's speakers and participants, finding out about what they feel is important for the elearning community going into 2020, including: Joan Keevill - eLN Chair, John Curran - former eLN Chair, Jon Kennard - Training Journal, Neusha Milanian - Aviva, Andrew Jacobs and Deirdre Bond - HMRC, Nicole Bradfield - eLN Connect keynote speaker on leadership, Lea Tiernan - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Mandeep Kullar - Virtual College, Robin Hoyle - eLN closing keynote speaker, Simon Greany - Elucidat, Barbara Thompson - GP Strategies, Toby Harris - Filtered.