News story

Leadership: The Key to Profit

United KingdomLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

Nothing adds value to a business like respect at work and recent figures published by The Best Companies to Work For, shows this trend is increasing within the British work force, says The Performance Solution.

According to the research, leadership is the major factor that helps a company's ranking within the Best Companies overall lists. In order to create this satisfied workforce a company must benefit from strong leadership - not only from the Chief Executive level, but also from the managing director and senior management team as well.

Leaders in a company usually encourage the values and principles of the business and inspire others within the workforce to develop better ways of doing things or keeping them ahead of the competition.

While leadership may be factor that outshines the other factors, it does not necessarily mean that being a great boss is the route to success. Businesses need to do well across the board and are advised to lead from the front.

Leadership qualities though are not intangible, nor are you born with the gift of being a natural leader. These skills are something which most individuals have to work upon, and usually the most obvious practices for developing these skills is within professional workshops.

Rob Goffee, Professor of Organisation Behaviour (The Times, 2006), states that 'leadership is not about one person's bids for greatness', but that, ' great companies have leaders all over, not just at the top.'

The old days of 'command and control' are gone, if you are to stay ahead of the competition, the right approach is to unleash creativity and innovation. Inspirational leadership connects to a highly motivated workforce which in turns means inspirational results!

The Performance Solution have series of 3 day open Leadership workshops available throughout the year, for those looking to develop skills and explore new ways of working in response to the challenge of developing organisations in the modern world. If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact