News story

Make your company a healthier place to work

United KingdomLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

Investing in employees well-being can pay big dividends and is supported by a recent article in The Times and with UK corporations, writes The Performance Solution.

The UK's workforce now clock up more hours a week than most of Europe and as a nation are one of the hardest working in the world. Not surprisingly stress levels are on the increase and research by Nuffield Proactive Health revealed that nearly 40% of recent graduates and students believed that starting full time employment would make their health deteriorate.

Studies carried out by professional bodies showed that the private sector's average time off sick for employees was nearly seven days a year and in the public sector it was more than 10 days, costing 12 billion a year.

Again, the mitigating factor was stress, which was said to cause a negative impact on the economy with symptoms such as increased staff absence and attrition rates as well as poorer individual and organisational performance.

Most managers appreciate the pressure behind these figures: a heavy workload, too much pressure to meet targets and deadlines and in some cases an unsatisfactory work-life balance, and in answer to these problems they have started to invest heavily in employing a back-up services support team which range from general HR consultancy through to coaching and teambuilding.

TPS have worked with many UK organisations and introduced to them a unique support package, which contain elements of coaching and teambuilding as well as a general consultancy service and are able to prove that investing in corporate health is worthwhile.

A client of TPS has been quoted in The Times reporting that they believe their investment brings about a return that benefits the company through reduced sickness and absenteeism. Astra Zeneca, a pharmaceutical giant with over 11,000 employees in Britain, has extensive back-up services to support employees and managers and counts the cost carefully.

For further information about how TPS could put together a package for your organization please contact