News story

Sally Vanson raises issues from research into identity and transformational change at work

Learning NewsThe Performance Solution

Speaking at the first global JobEQ conference in Belgium on 1st July, Sally Vanson from The Performance Solution raised issues from her current research into Identity and Transformational Change at work. She discussed the importance of measuring attitudes and motivators as well as behaviours, and the need to re-evaluate through a regular re-measure as employees become more settled in their roles or where there is a large organisational change.

At senior level, an acceleration of a sustainable core identity has massive impact on bottom line. John Lane-Smith shared his evaluation report based in Call Centres and described how the development of a model of excellence against which to recruit leaves a traditional job analysis on the starting blocks. All the shared case studies reported that use of the attitudinal measures far outstripped more commonly used psychometrics and that when combined with behavioural analysis tools such as the Extended DISC personal analysis, it proves without a shred of doubt that the old adage of “recruit for attitude, train in the skills” is absolutely the way forward in our challenging world.

Delegates at the conference particularly enjoyed the opportunities to build models of excellence for individuals and teams and as one said “this scientific approach is like molten gold for HR professionals. It will reduce their time, increase their effectiveness and massively boost their internal PR. How can this very cost effective tool not be used? “

A huge debate was stimulated when opinions that line managers would be the main purchasers, not HR, because it gave them immediate information on areas dear to their hearts, were shared. Accountants, Engineers and Sales Directors are keen to get their hands on something which offers a scientifically validated measure of Human Capital

For an opportunity to try out the questionnaire and to receive the COMBO report (behaviours and attitudes) please contact