The Peformance Solution Launches 2007 dates for the Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching
United KingdomLearning NewsThe Performance Solution
Due to popular demand, TPS are pleased to announce the release of spring 2007 dates for the Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching, accredited by the Association of Coaching.
The certificate is staged in 3x4 day modules at monthly intervals and delegates who do not aspire to the full certificate may attend for one or two modules which are individually priced. Those attending the whole programme are expected to practice their coaching between modules and keep a reflective learning diary on their progress and client feedback.
Gaining the coaching certificate will not only consolidate all of your coaching skills, help increase the value and credibility of your job role as a coach, the course also helps develop the value of your interpersonal skills and allows you to become more effective as a coach.
Former delegate Sean Finnan, of EDS said, ' I found the breadth of techniques we were taught very useful. Its so easy to fall into the trap of using favoured approaches rather than being truely client centric and finding the best approach for them. This course opened up this opportunity for me.'
All successful delegates are authorized to use Extended DISC profiling tools in their coaching practice as well as accreditation through the Association of Coaching.
For a full breakdown about the course as well as the spring 2007 dates please contact