News story

Are your employees performing to their optimum?

Extended DISC UKLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

Ask any Team Leader, supervisor or Manager what is the most challenging part of their job and they will probably explain the daily frustration caused when trying to ensure that each individual in a team performs to their optimum. When probing further to try and discover the reason that managing the performance of individuals is such an issue you will probably be given reasons such as recruitment decisions, inadequate training and lazy or incompetent employees. These problems certainly in many cases will contribute to poor performance but the effective management of people is the key to ensuring that the contribution of every employee towards the corporate goals and objectives is maximised.

For many organisations performance management is practiced through an appraisal process, which frequently leaves individuals de-motivated and demoralised. But it doesn't have to be like this. Imagine a performance management approach, which can be used to motivate and engage individuals and have a positive impact on performance. So what is the difference between those managers that successfully manage performance to gain maximum results from individuals and those that don't? That is where Extended DISC can help. We specialise in helping Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders improve performance of individuals, teams and organisations. From our extensive experience, we know that to manage performance effectively you will need to:

· Gain a clear understanding of each individuals behaviour and how it effects their performance - An in depth understanding of an individuals behaviour will allow a manager to utilise the individuals strengths and develop weaker areas.

· Be competent at interpreting and feeding back to enhance performance - It is important that an individual completely understands their own behaviour and how it effects their performance. With this information they can make positive changes and develop to improve their performance.

· Clearly communicating objectives to individuals - In order for an individual to perform to the required standard, it is vital that they understand exactly what is expected of them. Every individual is different and communicating effectively with different types of individuals is an important part of managing performance.

· Motivate individuals to achieve their objectives- An effective manager needs to understand, relate to and motivate every kind of person. In order to be able to do this a manager must fully understand each individuals natural style and then create an environment that fits this style.

We have created the Performance Management 1 day Workshop in response to the requirement of our clients to master a successful approach to performance management. To get more details on this workshop or for more information on how Extended DISC can help improve individual, team and organisational performance call Ceri Heathcote on 01249 700290 or email