News story

Boost performance by training managers as coaches

Extended DIS UKLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

A new survey by the CIPD has found that a third of managers never discussed their training and development needs with them and rarely or never give feedback on their performance The survey also found that almost half of employees are dissatisfied with the relationship with their line manager. With so many of British Managers failing to recognise the link between performance and development, Extended DISC highlights how managers can learn invaluable skills for developing and engaging their staff.

How can managers engage their staff and motivate them to perform to their optimum? Coaching is a powerful skill that can be used by Managers to unlock the talents skills and experience of employees. In a recent learning and development survey in 2006 CIPD found that 93% of respondents who use coaching believe that a coaching culture is very important or important to the success of their organisation.

In response to the need for managers to become more focussed on developing their staff, Extended DISC is running a 1 day performance workshop in coaching for managers. The workshop is aimed at managers and line managers who would like to use coaching to enhance individual performance. The workshop will give delegates and understanding of the principles underpinning coaching and an understanding of behavioural styles and how to measure interpret and feedback to improve performance and includes behavioural assessments that can be used following the workshop to put their new skills into practice. They will also get the opportunity to experience and practice coaching.

For more information contact Kerry Munday on 012497 00295 or email