News story

Extended DISC highlights importance of coaching skills for managers.

Extended DISC UKLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

Coaching is now a widespread development tool used in all types of organisation worldwide. The CIPD reported in their 2006 Learning and Development survey that nearly 8 out of 10 respondents now use coaching in their organisation with four fifths saying that their organisation is seeking to develop a coaching culture ( So why is Coaching such an important skill for Managers and what benefits will it bring to an organisation?

In the fast paced world of business, it is vital that companies stay competitive. In order to do this they need to be highly effective especially with people. Coaching allows managers to improve employee performance to an optimal level, handle change easily and encourage growth, bring out the best in people and unlock potential.

Coaching is a specific set of competencies that managers need to be trained in to allow them to develop. The first step for a manager would be to complete some training but the real learning experience will come from using the tools and techniques to coach others.

In response to customer feedback, Extended DISC has launched a new 1 day performance workshop in coaching for managers to give managers a chance to use some coaching tools and techniques and experience for themselves the benefits of using coaching within their team. The course includes assessments, which can be used to practice coaching skills and allow managers to immediately start to see the benefits of their new skills.

For more information on coaching for mangers, please contact Kerry Munday on 01249 700295 or email