News story

First time in the UK - ICC International Coaching Certification Training

Learning NewsThe Performance Solution

The Performance Solution is proudly hosting the ICC International Coaching Certification Training with Joseph O'Connor and Andrea Lages for the first time in the United Kingdom.

A chance to enjoy a fantastic training, gain new skills and join the International community of coaches with members in many different parts of the world, dedicated to high quality and standards in the coaching profession.

Become certified as an International Coach
* This coaching course follows the standards and ethics of both the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the International Coaching Community (ICC).
*Successful delegates can gain credits towards the MA in Coaching and NLP run by The Performance Solution and University of Kingston
* This is a truly international course - it has been given so far in fourteen countries with certified coaches in thirty nine countries.
* The ICC is one of the largest professional membership organisations of coaching in the world. Taking and passing this training is the way to join.
* This training integrates the most powerful coaching models that have proved effective all over the world.

Here are some of the elements:
- The Inner Game (Timothy Gallwey)
- Transformational Coaching (Thomas Leonard)
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Richard Bandler and John Grinder)
- Ontological Coaching (Fernando Flores)
- Integral models of coaching (Ken Wilber)

Do you want to be more effective in helping people get the best results in their business and personal lives?
Are you:
A Trainer?
A Teacher?
A consultant?
A manager?
Involved in Human resources development?
Doing work that involves helping, encouraging, motivating or changing others?

Coaching is one of the best ways of making the most of your skills to help people and earn money.If you are already a coach, this training will expand your skills and give you new tools and choices in your coaching work. Coaching helps a person change in the way they wish and go in the direction they want to go. Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be and being the best they can be.

In this training, both business coaching and life coaching will be covered.

The basis of the course is Congruent Coaching. Congruent Coaching is an integrated approach to getting the best from yourself and your clients.

Who will benefit from this training?
Coaching is used in many professions;
- As a manager you can use coaching to develop your people and build stronger teams or a more effective sales force.
- As a psychologist or therapist you can use coaching to supplement your skills with clients.
- As a teacher you can use coaching to help your students achieve more.
- If you are working with people to develop and help them in any way, then coaching is important for you.
- Coaching will help you to offer more services to current clients and move into wider markets.

What are the benefits of this course for you?
- Official International certification and the chance to be a pioneer and join an ever growing network of coaches
- Membership of the ICC with access to the ICC Intranet, forums, chat room and library.
- Your CV listed on the ICC site for client referrals.
- Individual attention with your personal coaching project.
- A definitive 120 page manual written by Joseph and Andrea, authors of the book 'Coaching with NLP - how to be a master coach'.
- How to be a 'Tactical Coach', make a big difference in one session.
- A guarantee of high standard training.
- A commitment to high standards, ethics, and high quality coaching.
- Internationally experienced trainers.
- More skill, more knowledge and more self development.

What are the benefits of this course for your business?
· Coaching is evidence of the company's commitment to developing its people.
· Coaching provides a long-term investment in higher performance.
· Teamwork is improved.
· Coaching contributes to a supportive organisational culture with high morale.
· Coaching retains key employees and avoids:
- The cost of retraining
- The loss of company knowledge to competitors
- The drop in productivity when personnel leave.
· Coaching is the most cost effective way of targeting resources at precisely the places and individuals that need them.

A few of the things you will learn on this course:
- Tactical coaching - how to make the most difference in one session.
- How to conduct strategic coaching over a long time frame.
- Skills to help clients find more satisfying lives
- Developing and using your intuition
- How to work with your client's goals.
- Working with the client's highest values
- Formulating action plans that work.
- How to conduct the all important first session.
- The powerful questions that change clients' lives and WHEN to use them.
- How to task clients for the best results and what to do if the client does not do the task.
- How to help a client through their fears and mental blocks.
- How to market your coaching.
- The ethical guidelines of coaching.
- The Art of listening and the levels of listening.
- Working with and changing clients' limiting beliefs.
- Helping clients to design their best future with long-term goals.
- Developing your own coaching style.
- How to time your interventions for the maximum impact.
- When to be directive and when to be non-directive.
- How to make requests and challenges, and design tasks.
- Systemic thinking to find the leverage point in your coaching
- to get the maximum change for the minimum effort.

The Performance Solution and ICC accept all students, regardless of creed, colour, sexual orientation, cultural background or ethnic origin, and it reserves the right to refuse students who display unethical behaviour, or whose mental/emotional health might impair the learning process.
N.B. Please note that this is a certification course. Attendance at the course is necessary but not sufficient to attain the certificate. To be certified you must show the necessary coaching skills.

To reserve your place please call Amanda or Kerry on 01225 865510 or email A deposit of £300 must be paid to confirm your booking and full payment must be received 10 weeks before the start of the course.

Investment: £ 2995+VAT

Course Offer: If we receive full payment before 01 June 2008 you will receive all your pre-course reading materials Free of Charge.