News story

Last few remaing places on TPS Executive Coaching programme

United KingdomLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

The Performance Solution have limited places available on the Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching and if you book before 10 August, you'll only pay our 2006 price!

The Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching, run by Sally Vanson, starts in September and is held in 3x4 day modules at monthly intervals and delegates who do not aspire to the full certificate may attend for one or two modules.

This programme is accredited through the Association of Coaching and all successful delegates will achieve accreditation from the NLPU, as well as being authorised to use the physcometric tools of Extended DISC

The advantages to gaining you Certificate in Executive Coaching:

Increase your credibility as an independent coach or within an organisation
- Become more effective as a coach
- Increase the value of your interpersonal skills
- Increase the value of your role within your organisation
- Consolidate your coaching skills
- Win clients!

Those attending the whole programme are expected to practice their coaching between modules and keep a reflective learning diary on their progress and client feedback.

There will be an element of coahcing intergration throughout the programme and a post-graduate qualifiucation is optional, at an additional cost, towards an MA in Coaching and NLP.

During the certificate programme delegates will:

- Be continually observed and assessed in their coaching by peers and experienced coaches using clear criteria
- Observe and assess peers in their coaching and use of coaching to aid the planning and the development of a personal learning programme.

for further information or to book your place please contact Amanda Dennant on 01249 700290 or alternatively email -