News story

The Performance Solution: A Friend for life

United KingdomLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

The Coach has joined the ranks of the personal trainer, nail technician and health doctor, as an essential aid to help you get through the day, your life or even to prepare for an event.

“you must be mad’ says my taxi driver on my way to see a coach, ‘what you seeing one of them for?’. A common reaction and to be honest I didn’t blame him, somehow the thought of some one coaching you, makes you sound like a fruit-cake!

But the coach has joined the ranks of the personal trainer, nail technician and health doctor, as an essential aid to help you get through the day and your life. According to the International Coaching Federation there are already 7,000 coaches world-wide, a small number considering the necessity of one in today’s modern society.

Although you do have to be careful as some advertised coaches are practicing without any qualifications and without the necessary supervision hours, but luckily enough the standards for coaches are rising and the statutory regulations are currently being consulted by the EEMC.

The majority of coaches have gone through professional courses, such as the Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching, as well as racking up a minimum of 250 coaching hours – standard practice for those dedicated to providing high standards.

The Performance Solution, run by award-winning coach and mentor, Sally Vanson, run a yearly coaching programme, Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching, which covers the basics of coaching, through to advanced techniques and tools, including sand play, psychometrics and clean language.

The Performance Solution work with over 150 associates from all over the world, and their coaching services are probably one of the most sought-after in the industry, due to the high standards that Sally strictly enforces and insists upon.

In support of this programme the company also offer coach supervision sessions and delegates can aspire to complete an MA in Coaching and NLP, accredited, quality assured and awarded by Kingston University.

For further information on the programmes run by TPS please contact Amanda Dennant on 01249 700290 or alternatively email