News story

The importance of CPD in coaching

Learning NewsThe Performance Solution

The Performance Solution know that the concept of CPD is not new, but agree that effective professionals in all fields have always realized the importance of new knowledge, improved skills and the development of personal qualities.

The concept of CPD is not new. Effective professionals in all fields have always realized the importance of new knowledge, improved skills and the development of personal qualities.

In effect, CPD is simply part of good professional practice. What is new, however, is the greater importance and relevance of CPD to professional success. A study undertaken in the UK (Welsh and Woodward, 1989), identified the numerous reasons to account for the growing importance of CPD, including competence, consumerism and competitiveness within the ranks of coaching.

Sally Vanson, Managing Director of The Performance Solution agrees that ‘the systematic maintenance , improvement and broadening of knowledge and the development of personal qualities is essential for the education of professional duties throughout a practitioners working life..’ and her business, The Performance Solution, strives to maintain the ethics and quality of the many awarding bodies within the realms of coaching and executive coaching.

One of the primary roles of the professional bodies, such as the Association of Coaching is to safeguard standards of competence. CPD has a key role to play in the communication of agreed standards and in ensuring that members comply with specified procedures.

The recent ‘credit crunch’ has re-emphasized the highly competitive nature of modern business. Whether in the private or increasingly, in the privatized public/state sector, the competitive market edge must be partly or totally focused on client care/service quality and innovation. Both of which can demand a high investment in developing people skills, if they are to be effective.

The Performance Solution run a series of CPD programmes for coaches to invest within, including the well publicized Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching and 1:1 Coaching Supervision Sessions and MA in Coaching and NLP, awarded, assessed and quality assured by Kingston University.

For further information please contact Ceri Heathcote direct on 01225 867 285 or alternatively email