News story

TPS launch 2-day iWAM Certification

Learning NewsThe Performance Solution

TPS are proud to release their autumn training dates to become certified in using the iWAM assessment tool, exclusively for anyone working within the human resources, training and development and coaching sectors.

The Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (iWAM) is a questionnaire used for job-related activities, such as recruitment, coaching and training projects. It is based on metaprograms a model of cognitive thinking styles (48 parameters are measured and explained).

The iWAM Management Report identifies a person's motivational and attitude preferences in the job context and predicts how this person will behave in various job types, such as administrative, customer contact or managerial tasks. The iWAM Attitude Sorter predicts key motivational preferences and development areas.

The Performance Solution provide online assessment tools that help to improve Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the workplace and brings individual and team profiling to the next level by focusing on work attitude, motivation, values and skills for each part of the development or recruitment process.

Whether you are a Coach, an OD consultant, an HRManager any line manager in an organisation looking to improve its communications, information sharing and motivational activities or reduce conflict and increase congruence among individuals and teams this is the system you need.

The Performance Solution can help you with our sophisticated profiling tools and with our partners, provide the certification training to get you started.

This workshop focuses on practical application. Activities allow participants to draw on
their experiences of each other and explore the challenges in which they can apply their learning

If you would like further information about the iWAM tool or would like to find out more about the iWAM Certification please contact Ceri Heathcote direc t on 01225 867 285 or alternatively email