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Need to Enhance Peoples Performance?

Wiltshire, UKLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

'Finally assessments that provide RESULTS for behavioural change' Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. 'The versatility of Extended DISC lends itself in inclusion in several of our Leaddership Development Programmes' Ashley Miles, Director, Worldwide Learning & Development, Pfizer Inc. 'There are many good assessment tools on the market for use in coaching and leadership development - Extended DISC is just more effective' Jerold Tucker, Principal, The Global Coaching Network Inc.

Imagine a performance development approach, which can be used to motivate and engage individuals and have a positive impact on performance. So what is the difference between those managers that successfully manage performance to gain maximum results from individuals and those that don't? This is where Extended DISC can help. We specialise in helping Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders improve the performance of individuals, teams and organisations. From our extensive experience, we know that to manage performance effectively you need to:

• Gain a clear understanding of each individual's behaviour and how it affects their performance - An in depth understanding of an individuals behaviour allows managers to utilise the individuals strengths and improve weaker areas.

• Be competent at interpreting behavioural styles and feeding back to enhance performance - It is important that an individual completely understands their own behaviour and how it effects their performance. With this information they can make positive changes and develop to improve their performance.

• Clearly communicating objectives to individuals - In order for an individual to perform to the highest levels, it is vital that they understand exactly what is expected of them. Every individual is different and communicating effectively with different types of individuals is a critical part of managing performance.

• Motivate individuals to achieve their objectives- An effective manager needs to understand, relate to and motivate every kind of person. In order to be able to do this a manager must fully understand each individual's natural style and then create an environment that fits this style.

You can learn about the impact of behaviour on performance and how the Extended DISC system can help by attending one of our one day workshops (Enhancing Individual Performance and Enhancing Team Performance). Our next workshops are being held on 17-18 November 2009 near Bath. To get more details on these workshops or for more information on how Extended DISC can help improve individual, team and organisational performance call on 01225 867285 or email: