News story

Retaining Your Talent

Bath, EnglandLearning NewsThe Performance Solution

Hanging onto the best and getting the best out of them. The recession, or credit-crunch, (those two vastly over-used words) has thrown companies into turmoil for 2 big reasons. 1. How do you keep your best staff motivated when there is so much insecurity in jobs?
2. As the recession lifts, and more jobs become available, how do you retain your talent?

These two questions were the focus of baseline magazine's recent article, suggesting that following lay-offs, "those who remain [in a company] often begin a job hunt, in hopes of finding a position with a more stable company or industry". Furthermore, with the recession making the usual bonuses, paid meals, and travel, more difficult, companies are looking for new ways to motivate their staff. How can you motivate your staff? Well the starting point is to understand what motivates them. BusinessWeek stressed this point, bringing our attention to the change of values and motivation in a recession. What's more important to your staff now? A day of golf with the boss or knowing that their job is secure? The JobEQ questionnaire iWAM (inventory of work, attitude and motivation) is specifically designed to explore values and motivations.

Check the website link to see how to use it in your organisation:

Another stressor in the recession is that while CEOs are keeping companies afloat, middle managers are being left to "deal with the staff". If a manager has to spend all their time telling people how to do their jobs, how can they get on with their own? Why not train them to coach their staff through these uncertain times? You hired your staff for their brains, so get them using them. Enroll on a coaching certification course and learn how to lead rather than herd. Click here for more information about coaching courses.

Need iWAM training?

Why not Book on one of our certification trainings taking place near Bath ;

13th to 15 January 2010
12th to 14th May 2010
20th to 22nd September 2010
8th to 10th December 2010

Set up your own unique user group

Walk into a community of well supported users who are enjoying amazing results.

Interested in a coaching certification course?

Why not book on our advanced certificate in executive coaching taking place near Bath or in London:

1. 27th of February to 7th of March in London.
2. Three 4-day modules in October, November and December 2010 near Bath.

Making the difference between management and leadership.

Your advanced certificate in executive coaching will also count as 15 credits towards a Master's in coaching and NLP with Kingston University.

Contact to find out more.