Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust upgrades to Traineasy’s AICC-compliant LMS
When Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust upgraded to Traineasy's AICC-compliant LMS they immediately began to benefit from the ability to run e-Learning for Health's (e-LfH) digital content from a platform that also calculates live training compliance statistics.
e-LfH is a Health Education England (HEE) programme currently developing and delivering over 150 e-learning programmes in partnership with professional bodies such as Royal Colleges and associations, Department of Health policy teams and other arm's length bodies.
NHS Trusts in England can use e-LfH digital content free of charge and, if Trusts do not want employees to have separate logins for different platforms, e-LfH permits remote access to their content via AICC, from Trusts' own learning management systems.
Although clearly a benefit for end users who want to access all of their digital learning content via a single platform, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, which has 7,000 members of staff across more than 400 sites, felt that the Traineasy LMS they were already using would give them the added benefit of calculating live training compliance statistics against their own rules for staff initially obtaining and thereafter maintaining compliance with the e-LfH courses.
As the version of Traineasy LMS they were using did not support AICC at the time, an upgrade was planned and in January 2019 the new version was launched with a brand new look and feel, improved cybersecurity and full support for AICC e-learning content.
The first to take advantage of the upgraded solution was Lancashire Care's Information Governance (IG) team. Speaking on March 8th, a representative said, "The first course we were excited launch was e-Learning for Health's Data Security Awareness Training. The main benefits have been easier access for staff plus more control over registrations and passwords, quicker resolution to issues staff may have, and simpler reporting."