The Housing Ombudsman Service Commissions 'Managing Unacceptable Behaviour from Complainants' Video
Following on from the successful launch of their e-learning portal in 2018, the Housing Ombudsman Service has commissioned the production of a video for landlords to help them manage unacceptable behaviour from complainants.
The Housing Ombudsman Service is set up by law to resolve disputes involving the tenants and leaseholders of the social housing landlords that are registered with them. Landlords and residents alike are encouraged to use the Service's 'dispute resolution principles' in order to resolve complaints at the earliest possible opportunity. The service is independent, impartial and free for both tenants and landlords.
Now, once again working in partnership with Traineasy, a video for landlords is to be produced that will help them manage complainants’ unacceptable behaviour. It will use scenarios and case studies to ask questions such as, 'What is and what is not unacceptable behaviour?' and 'In managing these difficult situations, what are the key factors landlords need to consider?' It will go on to explain how landlords can ensure fairness, how they should respond to and manage the behaviour, and what the Housing Ombudsman Service expects to see when landlords are handling these situations.
In anticipation of the video's production, Val Theadom, Sector Development & Learning Manager at The Housing Ombudsman commented, "Managing unacceptable behaviours from complainants can be, at times, very challenging for landlords. This video will provide them with lots of practical guidance to proactively manage these individuals and focus on reaching a fair and appropriate outcome to the complaint.”