Elearnity’s 9-Grid™ Model rates Upside Learning ‘Solid Performer’ and ‘Potential Challenger’
The Elearnity 9-Grid™, a new market analysis model for learning and talent technologies by Elearnity, has recently unveiled the 9-Grid™ for LMS and the 9-Grid™ for Bespoke eLearning. Upside Learning has been rated as a ‘Solid Performer’ for LMS and a ‘Potential Challenger’ for bespoke eLearning.
Upside Learning has been recognised as an emerging contender in the UK market by European analyst, Elearnity's, recently launched 9-Grid™ models for Learning Management Systems and Bespoke eLearning Development. The 9-Grid, a new and unique insight into the European (EMEA) learning and talent market, rates UpsideLMS, Upside Learning's multi award-winning Learning Management System, as a 'Solid Performer' and as a 'Potential Challenger' in the bespoke eLearning development market.
The model is based on the independent analysis and insights from Elearnity's corporate research network of over 150 organisations and aims to demonstrate the relative value of providers and solutions available in the market. The model considers the five areas of Performance, Potential, Market Presence, Total Cost of Ownership and Elearnity's analysis of future performance and potential.
The UpsideLMS, rated as a "solid performer", is seen to have significant potential in the UK market and is currently seen as a tactical solution for eLearning deployment and for organizations with more homogenous needs. The analysis recognises Upside Learning as an "innovative learning technology provider" who is constantly developing "its LMS solution".
The "potential challenger" rating for Upside Learning's bespoke eLearning development services takes into account Upside Learning's portfolio of "globally developed content using a wide variety of techniques ranging from simple rapid authoring through to simulations and mobile apps." And goes on to mention the lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) based on "a heavy focus on offering good value for money as well as innovation."
Full commentary on UpsideLMS can be found in this report http://www.elearnity.com/9-gridlms2013.html and on Bespoke eLearning Development in this http://www.elearnity.com/9-gridbespoke2013.html
Talking about the need of the 9-Grid™ models, Elearnity Managing Director, David Wilson, comments, 'Fitting the right vendor with your specific needs is a vital ingredient for success, but up until now, there has been very little independent analysis that accurately reflects the market, especially for UK and EMEA organizations. Unlike other analyst tools, such as Gartner's Magic Quadrant and the Forrester Wave, 9-Grid™is focused on the UK and European corporate market rather than the US.'
Amit Garg, Director and Co-founder of Upside Learning, expressed his delight on being included in the 9-Grid models by saying, "Elearnity's 9-Grid model builds on years of its independent vendor analysis and hundreds of its corporate research network conversations. To be included in the analysis for both Bespoke eLearning and for LMS, including positioning and commentary, is a great milestone for us. It also helps us see some independent observations and 'perceptions' of our LMS and content offerings."
About Elearnity's 9-Grid™ Models
The 9-Grid™ builds on many years of Elearnity's independent vendor analysis and hundreds of its corporate research network conversations. Unlike other analyst tools, such as Gartner's Magic Quadrant and the Forrester Wave, 9-Grid™is focused on the UK and European corporate market rather than the US. It is designed for HR not for IT - hence the use of a 9-box model.
The 9-Grid™ for LMS and the 9-Grid™ for Bespoke E-learning Development can be downloaded from here - http://www.elearnity.com/9-grid.html