Upside Learning Launches New e-Book: Mobile Learning: Let's Not Phone It In
With its just-in-time learning approach, mobile learning caters to the training needs of an industry that needs to be ‘mobile’ too. This eBook focuses on mobility and, in particular, its effect on training interventions. The case studies exemplify better solutions for those considering mobility for the first time or who have already used mobile as a solution for their training programs.
Upside Learning recently launched their eBook 'Mobile learning: Let's not phone it in' that aligns perfectly with their latest initiative that aims at helping companies at different levels of ‘mobile maturity’ to see how better to use mobile technology to achieve their targeted outcomes in spaced learning, long-term development and other structured interventions.
Training approaches have gained popularity over the years owing to the worldwide business environment and the changes taking places in organisations. It is imperative that we should look for ways to leverage technology to support training needs. In such a scenario, mobility is the natural consideration. Mobility, although often discussed, is not always implemented properly.
Amit Garg, Co-Founder and Director of Upside Learning has long been an advocate of using mobile delivery properly. Based on his years of consulting for organisations' training needs, he has observed how companies struggle to put forth a mobile delivery solution. “Many companies have certainly moved to a mobile based delivery. But you can’t really call it mobile learning when you’re cramming what is essentially a day-long course into a mobile-friendly viewing format. The learner’s experience is what makes mobility unique, and that’s the most overlooked aspect in most designs! This won’t do... You’re dealing with a stage of the world where people have sophisticated expectations by now of what kind of experience they want from their devices. Most of what’s out there right now just won’t cut it for the savvy user.”
With the launch of this new eBook, he looks hopeful in addressing the training needs of the modern workplace and integrates mobility to improve their effectiveness. In addition, the 8 informative case studies help the readers get an insight about how mobility can be effectively used as a learning solution.
Those interested in knowing more about how to use mobility in training interventions can download the e-book: 'Mobile learning: Let's not phone it in'.