Learning Technologies Conference speech defines the dilemma and tough choices facing L&D today
Professor Chris Bones speaks to delegates at the Learning Technologies Conference about the pressures facing today's Learning and Development professionals.
Internationally renowned and leading strategic thinker in the OD and Leadership Talent Development arena, Professor Christopher Bones, former Dean of Henley Business School has spoken at London’s Learning Technologies Conference of the tough choices facing OD and L & D professionals today.
“We’re on the rocks – sitting holding the consequences of 30 years of incredible change, whereby successive recessions have eroded L&D’s infrastructure and we’re now faced with some really tough choices,” he said.
Outlining those choices Bones questioned:
“Should we spend on the many or spend on the few?” adding that McKinsey’s Talent ‘myth’ would have us developing a few brilliant people. He asked: “Should we focus on organisational development or individual development?” and went on to acknowledge that of course OD is important but the individual’s motivation to learn often depends on ‘what’s in it for them’”.
Explaining further, Professor Bones posed the question as to whether we should concentrate on self directed learning or developmental activity?
“We focus on development activity but self directed learning can help people take responsibility for their development”, he commented.
Perhaps the most challenging choice highlighted in a speech to more than 100 delegates at the conference was to ask the question: “Do you plan for tactical business delivery or plan for strategic business development -are you planning your development for what you need now or what you will need in the future.”
Stressing how important the choices you make are, Professor Bones added: “The choices you make as an organisation say a huge amount about you as an employer”.
Guiding delegates with some help in making those choices Chris Bones offered key tips for the future:
• Engage your staff with the importance of self development
• Develop learning and development that is learner centric
• Provide access to developmental opportunities
• Invest in developing capabilities that will drive strategic success
• Align personal and organisational development
Most of all - research shows that the biggest factor influencing employees engagement and their willingness to give discretionary effort is how well they are managed...
“Developing line managers delivers the biggest bang for your bucks”.
Professor Chris Bones is a non executive director of The Working Manager originators of D2, a virtual organisational development environment which enables organisations to communicate quickly, effectively and inclusively to everyone in their organisation.
Joined by Lee Sheldon, Director of Learning and Development at Travel Food Expert Group SSP, the pair demonstrated to conference delegates, SSP’s D2 environment and the high levels of individual engagement they’ve achieved since its deployment in 2010.
Find out more about The Working Manager and D2 at: