News story

Webanywhere works with British Safety Council to Power Youth e-Learning Campaign

Learning NewsWebanywhere Limited

Webanywhere, the Yorkshire-based workplace learning provider, has delivered the technology solution for an innovative youth e-learning campaign to the British Safety Council (a global Health and Safety organisation based in London).

Webanywhere web design for British Safety Council microsite
Webanywhere web design for British Safety Council microsite 

British Safety Council's Speak Up, Stay Safe campaign aims to put information in the hands of young people to enable them to have the confidence to speak up about any dangers they may face at work. The project - part of the Inspired by London 2012 programme - uses an online Flash game (, free resources and links to free app downloads to teach youngsters about workplace dangers as they prepare for their working lives. 

The client required a technology solution to deliver a high-performance, cutting-edge learning environment designed to maximise engagement with young learners.

Webanywhere has delivered the website creative theme - perfectly in tune with the 2012 youth audience - content managed platform and hosting environment for the solution. The technology infrastructure features a Drupal website CMS and enterprise-strength cloud hosting solution for optimal bandwidth and resource management, scalable for many thousands of users.

Conor Gilligan, Head of Workplace Learning (EMEA/ NAM) at Webanywhere said “Our infrastructure solution supports the British Safety Council's campaign to get young people to engage fully with Health and Safety education. It features an exciting web interface and delivers fast and smooth performance of the Flash game. We’re pleased that our latest project with the British Safety Council is enabling them to create another innovative online learning experience for thousands of new target users.”

Neal Stone, Director of Policy and Communications at British Safety Council said "The Webanywhere solution will enhance our ability to deliver health and safety learning for a young audience. We choose to work with Webanywhere because of their ability to translate our business vision into reality.”

The campaign utilises a separate Drupal installation from the main CMS currently powering the corporate British Safety Council website, also created and hosted by Webanywhere. 

About the British Safety Council

The British Safety Council is a global health, safety and environmental not for profit organisation. Our vision is that no one should be killed, injured or made ill through work activities. We would be grateful if you could use British Safety Council in full rather than abbreviating to BSC when quoting our organisation. 

British Safety Council director of policy and communications and head of campaigns are both available for media requests.

Enquiries to:

Francesca Broadbent, Communications manager
British Safety Council