News story

Webanywhere responds to Childline report 'Can I tell you something?'

Learning NewsWebanywhere Limited

Webanywhere is implementing additional support and events for schools in response to the Childline report entitled 'Can I tell you something?'.

This reports reflects the increasing contact from children concerned about bullying both in person and online. According to the report, the number of children raising concerns connected to online bullying has increased 87% this year, which shows how much of a problem this has become.

In response to this, Webanywhere are implementing new seminars to keep educators and school leaders informed on how they can address e-safety and ensure that their school remains both compliant with Ofsted requirements and a safe environment for their students.

These events are being led by CEOP ambassador Tracey Gentle. A former teacher, Tracey has extensive experience in e-safety, continuing to be involved both through Webanywhere and as a governor of a school.

These sessions will take place on Tuesday the 4th of February at Haydon Wick School Swindon, and Friday the 14th of February at All Saints Primary School, Halifax.

As Webanywhere understand how important this issue is, Webanywhere will also be running question and answer sessions on their stand at the BETT show, from the 22nd to the 25th of January at the BETT show at London’s ExCel centre. Full details will be available on Webanywhere’s stand, number F380.

To find out more about any of these events please e-mail

Original report from Childline: Can I tell you something?