First Media are a creative eLearning design specialist based in Lincolnshire. For the last 20 years they have been developing engaging eLearning content for clients including the Premier League, the FA and EFL. If you're looking for someone to bring your learning material to life, go to, email or call 01507 607783.

We want the work we do with our clients to have a real impact. By listening and responding to issues they face we’ve improved processes and driven tangible results. We love long-term partnerships and have a loyal client base we are incredibly proud to work with.

We think First Media is a fun and unique place to work.

Based in Lincolnshire we enjoy the best of everything, great surroundings, pubs, shops and people. We have a relaxed working environment with break out zones, with foosball & table tennis. Fresh fruit is delivered weekly but to keep a healthy balance cake days are at least a monthly occurrence.

Most importantly we get on well and work together to produce the best results for our clients.