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6 ways learning will never be the same again after Covid-19

Lincolnshire, UK Learning NewsFirst Media

One day we will return to our pre-Coronavirus lives and Covid-19 (and 2020 in general) will just be a painful memory. But it’s going to take a while, and some things might never be the same again… including the learning sector. Why do we think learning will have changed forever? The disruption to the sector, and the enforced changes that have had to be made, has given educators all over the world the opportunity to think about how learning is delivered.


In this feature Shane Traill, Director of First Media discuss six ways, we think, learning will never quite be the same ever again...

1. The arrival of tech in learning 

It’s strange to think that before Covid-19, many education providers and businesses rarely utilised tech in learning. Even though there have been some meteoric advances in technology, schools, colleges and businesses still largely favoured the traditional face-to-face delivery. However, Lockdown meant that everyone responsible for delivering learning had to totally embrace online learning – almost overnight. There was literally no alternative. And with technology becoming more and more part of life for young people, it’s hard to think that tech won’t have a more prevalent role in education going forward.  

2. Redefining the classroom

Until now, the traditional classroom hasn’t changed much since the Victoria era. But Covid-19 is forcing educators into thinking how to best use the classroom in the future. We think that education will embrace more of a blended approach and the classroom will look very different when the restrictions are lifted. Blended learning had already emerged as a far more flexible model for learning. It allows students to work at their own speed (even in the classroom), in groups or even from home. It even frees teachers up to provide extra support to specific students if required. 

3. The demand for new skills

Society now needs the workforce to have the kind of skills that will help to see them (and the economy) through another situation like Covid-19. Modern organisations would benefit from people knowing how to work from home effectively, manage stress, balance wellbeing and have a better understanding of health and safety measures. Also, softer skills like resilience, adaptability, creativity, communication and teamwork will perhaps be more important than ever before. Learn about how we can design digital training for you on any topic.  

4. Flexible learning is here to stay… for some

There’s no doubt that classroom learning works for younger children – ask any parents who’s had to home school their kids during Lockdown and I’m sure they’d agree. But what about mature learners? Students over the age of 16, who sometimes must balance work, a family or other commitment with their learning. Does the rigidity of classroom delivery work for that group of learners? Flexible eLearning allows mature self-motivated and busy students to work their learning around day-to-day life. And this could be a real shot in the arm for mature learning.

5. More distance learning

If there’s one thing Lockdown has taught us, it’s that most things can be done remotely. Obviously, there are some exceptions, but overall, learning can be now delivered online. Most educators and learning developers have been quick to find the right platforms, technology and tools to ensure people are getting the training they require. So, who can see learning returning to the way it was pre-Covid-19? By the time the world returns to ‘normal’, organisations would have adapted to online learning, invested in new solutions and they would have learned how much more cost effective it can be.

6. Wider and better choice of courses and content

Most training resources have moved, or are in the process of moving online, and this means that people will have more choice than ever before when it comes to choosing their learning. You could find local businesses working more with national providers, while others may even look internationally for the training materials for the first time – all because the way learning has traditionally been delivered has changed because of Covid-19.


If you would like to speak to the First Media team about creative digital solutions or anything mentioned in this article, email, call 01507 607783 or connect with Shane Traill on Linkedin.