News story

Hackers Attack on Government Exposes Lack of Security Expertise

Learning News7Safe

In the latest of a string of high profile attacks, cyber criminals have targeted £225,000 (USD $450,000) of local government funds. The hackers gained access to confidential login credentials from bank accounts run by the city of Carson in California.

The attack was executed using a secretly installed program which relayed every keyboard stroke made by Carson's financial officer back to the criminals. Hacking crime is on the increase and the recent theft of over 45 million customer credit cards from a major retailer has shocked companies and organisations worldwide into taking the threat from criminal hackers very seriously.

Alan Phillips, of leading Information Security company 7Safe, cited the increased publicity surrounding hacking attacks as a major reason for the exponential rise in delegates attending their ethical hacking (penetration testing) training courses. “It has taken some time for many organisations to realise the real value in teaching their staff how hackers operate, but now it is accepted by the mainstream that ‘ethical hacking’ techniques must be learnt in order to protect corporate assets”, he commented.

7Safe offers a highly practical and industry recognised Information Security education programme. The university accredited CSTA Ethical Hacking: Hands-On, and CSTP Ethical Hacking: Hands-On 2 certifications have been developed specifically for IT Security professionals who wish to develop demonstrable anti-hacking knowledge and expertise.

The CSTA course is a 3 day hands-on journey into the hacking mindset, examining, understanding and practically applying the tools and techniques that hackers use. The 2 day CSTP course further focuses on the frameworks & tools used by professional penetration testers to audit & test system security.

Both courses form part of 7Safe's groundbreaking Postgraduate Certificate in Penetration Testing and Information Security.

Upcoming dates:
CSTA Ethical Hacking: Hands-On: 2nd-4th July, 13th-15th August
CSTP Ethical Hacking: Hand-On 2: 16th-17th August

To book a place, 7Safe can be contacted on +44 870 600 1667.