News story

Debate: Could Facebook be the saviour of L&D?

Learning NewsCharity Learning Consortium

Martin Baker will be leading a debate about the potential to access eLearning via Facebook – the most popular social media platform of our time – at the Learning & Skills exhibition in London on 26 January. Hare brained idea or a brilliant way to deliver cost effective learning? You decide! Come and share your views with Martin, CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium and MD of newly formed The Corporate eLearning Consortium - bringing a cost effective, collaborative approach to eLearning to the corporate sector.

When it comes to the power of Facebook, the statistics speak for themselves: More than 800 million people worldwide have registered with the social network - 50% of them use the site at some point every day; recent reports suggest that in the UK alone there are more than 30 million Facebook accounts, roughly half the population. It's the social network of choice for most people, so why not find a way for workers to access eLearning from their favourite place to be online?

Martin Baker will be leading the debate about the potential to deliver eLearning via Facebook, on Thursday 26 January at the Learning & Skills exhibition, London Olympia. Martin is looking forward to some lively discussion in this session, which takes place in seminar theatre 6 at 12.15.

The idea grew from his work with both charities and corporates, who are looking for economical but effective solutions to L&D. In the eternal quest for 'engagement' with learners, asks Martin, doesn't it make sense to take eLearning to workers, rather than the other way around?

Please join this exciting debate on the future face of eLearning!

And come and say hello at the exhibition: The Charity Learning Consortium will be exhibiting at stand number 210 on the Learning & Skills floor; The Corporate eLearning Consortium will be launched at stand number 31 at Learning Technologies.

About Martin Baker:

Martin Baker has been involved in eLearning for more than 20 years and is passionate about the benefits of collaborative working. He is the founder and CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium - the largest group of UK based charities collaborating to make eLearning affordable. He is also the MD of the newly formed Corporate eLearning Consortium - bringing the benefits of collaborative working to the corporate world. Martin is regarded as being one of the top ten most influential people in eLearning in the UK and works to raise the profile of the industry, regularly contributing to publications and presenting at conferences. He is a founding ambassador to the highly regarded learning technologies benchmarking organisation Towards Maturity, is an ambassador for LINGOs and sits on the eLearning Network board.

What you need to know:

Debate: Could Facebook be the saviour of L&D?

Time: 12:15 - 12:45

Date: Thursday 26th January 2012

Where: Theatre 6, Learning & Skills exhibition, Olympia London

Cost: Free!

Note to editors: Unable to make the debate, but would like to find out more about Martin's vision for accessing eLearning via Facebook, then please get in touch email: