News story

GivebackUK launches – and asks the learning industry for support

LondonLearning NewsClear Lessons Foundation

GivebackUK, a not-for-profit organisation creating free video learning for the charity sector, is launching its first video series at Learning Technologies. Martin Baker, GivebackUK founder, is asking everyone in the learning technologies industry to ‘give something back’ and support this unique charity initiative.

A free online video learning library for charities - the brainchild of Martin Baker, Chief Executive of the Charity Learning Consortium - is set to revolutionise learning and development in the third sector. Called GivebackUK, the creative, not for profit organisation is launching its first video series at a Learning Technologies fringe event, on the evening of 28th January. 

The GivebackUK premise is a simple one: The vast majority of the 700,000 people working in the third sector – as well as the millions of volunteers – have no access to learning and development. So Martin looked for a low cost way to deliver knowledge and expertise en masse – and video seemed like the perfect answer. 

“Using online video is the ideal solution to reach such vast numbers of people to share learning cost-effectively,” said Martin. “It’s the perfect ‘marriage’ of technology and information: using technology to reach the greatest number of people, so they can access information ‘anytime, anyplace, anywhere’.”

It’s a sentiment that’s shared by Donald H Taylor – Chairman of the Learning Technologies conference, and now an Ambassador for GivebackUK: “It's hard to believe that less than 10 years ago YouTube didn't exist. Today video is such a popular and powerful way to share knowledge. To my mind it's the perfect medium for GivebackUK to reach a massive audience of charity staff and volunteers, so I'm looking forward to getting more involved."

Using talented filmmaker Dr Mark Davies, around 250 ‘talking heads’ videos have being created in order to freely share L&D best practice with the third sector. These videos form The Expert Series - the first video learning library from GivebackUK. Designed to inspire charity learning practitioners, they focus on professional and workplace development. 

‘Movers and shakers’ from L&D have been filmed, such as Steve Rayson, Jane Hart, Charles Jennings, Clive Shepherd, Nigel Paine, Laura Overton and Perry Timms. Key corporate organisations have also got involved, including McDonalds, Facebook, Marks & Spencer, JP Morgan Chase, and Barclays - to name but a few. 

The GivebackUK filming team – made up of Mark Davies, Rosie Haighton, Community Manager at the Charity Learning Consortium, and Martin Baker - have become well known fixtures at conferences, interviewing experts and learning practitioners, and will be at the upcoming Learning Technologies event. Visitors who would like to share their knowledge to camera are encouraged to email or call her on 08451 707 702. 

Martin is keen for learning practitioners and other subject matter experts to get involved, and share their expertise: “I’ve seen the overwhelming power of collaboration from forming the Charity Learning Consortium, so I’d love every learning and development professional to get involved, in order to pass their knowledge on to a potentially massive audience. If you love learning – and I’ve yet to meet an L&D practitioner who doesn’t – then do please join in.”

A platform to enable content to be freely shared with the entire third sector is being developed. In the meantime, plans are already in place to start filming for the next two video learning libraries: 

The Everyday Series will focus on everyday skills, such as presentations, interview tips and time management

The Charity Series will cover bespoke charity topics, such as trustees and fundraising, to support the day-to-day running of charitable organisations. 

Martin hopes that 500 videos will have been created by the close of 2015, and that GivebackUK can then enter its second, significant stage – offering free video learning resources to the UK’s 164,000 charities, and their huge army of staff and volunteers. 

Notes for editors:

Media are very welcome to attend the launch at 5.30pm on 28th January, which includes short presentations from: 

  • Andrew Jacobs, Talent Management and Organisational Development Manager at London Borough of Lewisham
  • Katerina Rudiger, Head of Skills & Policy at CIPD
  • Lee Jones the former Head of Learning & Development Design at Virgin Media, now Principal Consultant at Blue Sky Consulting. 
  • A networking session will be led by Perry Timms, Social Media & Engagement Adviser for CIPD and Founder & Director of PTHR.

This is a ticketed event and by invitation only and those wishing to attend should contact for tickets.

GivebackUK teaser video