News story

Develop Trainer Set to Energise the IHEEM Healthcare Estates Annual Conference & Exhibition in November 2006

York, UKLearning NewsDevelop Training

Peter Des Forges, Business Manager of Develop's High Voltage Training section, has been invited to speak at the Annual Conference of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM). Peter produced High Voltage Safety Rules and Procedures which have contributed to Develop's highly successful AP015 High Voltage Authorised Persons Course and has just finished authoring updated Regulations for the Department of Health.

Peter Des Forges, Business Manager of Develop’s High Voltage Training section
Peter Des Forges, Business Manager of Develop’s High Voltage Training section 

Peter explains "I have been working with High Voltage (11kv) safe systems of work for over 22 years and been training staff on High Voltage systems for 18 of those years. The last few years have seen big changes in the electrical supply industry and more than ever I have seen a need for high quality HV Safe Rules and Procedures. The Ministry of Defence have SRP01, the National Health Service has Health Technical Memoranda and most large companies like Thames Water or BAA with large numbers of engineers have written their own. Many smaller companies that own high voltage equipment and systems do not have suitably trained engineers but still need a HV safe system of work.

Many companies contract out the maintenance of their HV equipment to others, but they cannot contract out the responsibilities they have under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The Develop HV Safety Rules and Procedures have been written to help this group. They have been designed to enable companies either to carry out the maintenance themselves or contract it out whilst retaining day to day control, enabling them to reduce the time taken to reinstate lost supplies and help keep the Directors of these companies out of the law courts."

The IHEEM Annual Conference is to be held in Harrogate on 6th & 7th November 2006 and Peter will be speaking on the Safety and Control of Electrical Systems within Hospitals. Having recently worked as lead author on the Department of Health's updated Electrical Safety Regulations, he is in the perfect position to speak with authority on the subject.

For more information on Develop's High Voltage Safety Rules and Procedures package, please contact Peter by email at or by phone on 01347 825 525, or visit the Develop website at

The complete IHEEM Annual Conference programme can be viewed at