News story

Develop Training and UCLan break new ground in utilities management

UKLearning NewsDevelop Training

First in the industry to bring together both management and front-line skills, Develop Training is delighted to announce its new partnership with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the development of a Foundation Degree in Utilities Management.


From January 2008, Develop Training will commence the new Foundation Degree in Utilities Management, offering utility sector clients a unique qualification directly relevant to their business. The Utilities Management Foundation Degree fills a gap between technical skills training and management training, effectively bridging the two together. Candidates that want to move from the 'shop floor' front-end of utilities organisations now have a clear route to becoming multi-utility managers.

Develop Training has researched the need for a new opportunity in multi-utility management within the sector and the new Gas modules add the final piece in the jigsaw that covers utility technology, legislation, water processes, fluid mechanics, environment and construction.

UCLan partners with private sector for the first time.

"This is a very exciting time for Develop Training and the partnership with UCLan is a prestigious recognition of our capabilities in the utilities sector,' says Develop's Gary Fisher, who created the 3 new gas modules for the course. 'People undertaking the Foundation Degree in Utilities Management will be the first in the industry to bring together both management and front-line skills. This will provide key knowledge that will enable them to move into further HE study and more senior roles."

New qualification increases career prospects and improves employee retention.

The Foundation Degree addresses current industry needs in more ways than one. "It is well-documented that the sector is witnessing a huge lack of 'new blood' and it is therefore critical to ensure the UK's future utility requirements are met by a well-educated workforce with all the experience and knowledge that demands," says Rachel Capper, co-ordinating the partnership for Develop Training.

"The real benefit is that the new Utilities Management qualification will ensure that technical staff within the sector have a clear route through to full degrees and improved prospects, making it more likely they will stay in the sector throughout their working life.

This is the first time UCLan have worked with a private sector partner to achieve something like this."

For those wishing to increase their knowledge of specific subjects, Develop is also offering single modules, which can be accredited on an individual basis.

For more information on the Foundation Degree in Utilities Management, contact Develop on 0800 876 6708 or email