News story

DuPont Sustainable Solutions Launches New Training Programs to Address Workplace Harassment

Virginia Beach, VALearning NewsDuPont Sustainable Solutions

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., June 13, 2018 – DuPont Sustainable Solutions has released two new human resources training programs, Sexual Harassment: The Untold Story and It’s About Respect II, that alert employees to the different kinds of harassment and help employers promote a culture of respect in the workplace.

“Harassment is a very important issue in our workplace and society,” said Kirsten Robinson, product manager, Learning & Development, DuPont Sustainable Solutions. “Sadly, many cases of harassment go unreported partly because of uncertainty as to what actually constitutes harassment.”

To raise awareness, help reduce confusion and correct misconceptions, Sexual Harassment: The Untold Story defines and shows examples of two major types of harassment — quid pro quo and hostile environment. Featuring interviews with lawyers and victims of harassment, the program helps employees determine whether a particular behavior is considered harassment.

Sexual Harassment: The Untold Story also underscores the importance of respect as the cornerstone of a harassment-free workplace. The program highlights the role of witnesses and human resources (HR) in responding to harassment, and identifies key anti-harassment practices that organizations can adopt.

It’s About Respect II highlights four common yet overlooked examples of harassment and workplace discrimination. The program features two cases of employees ridiculing colleagues because of their religion and gender, and two less obvious yet no less harmful scenarios: sidelining a pregnant woman even if she insists she is fit to work, and interrupting a co-worker during conversations and excluding him from the team.

The program teaches employees that discrimination and disrespect do not simply manifest in blatant racism or outright ridicule. They also can happen in the most ordinary circumstances, sometimes without us even being aware.

“When it comes to creating a harassment-free culture, it’s really all about respect,” shares Mark Wagner, USC regional leader for DuPont Sustainable Solutions. “Leaders must foster an environment where all employees respect and value each other’s differences.”

Through role play and dialogue, It’s About Respect II shows the impact of these forms of harassment on the victims, the attitudes behind them, and the ways they can be resolved, with emphasis on the vital role of management and HR departments in creating a harassment-free workplace. A free online preview of each program is available at Additional information is available by calling 800-861-2221 or emailing



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Maxine A. Cosbert
