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Learner Intelligence Report 2022

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How are workers learning in 2022? With one in three working from home, what are employees asking learning and development teams for? A new report from Mind Tools For Business has the answer in its annual Learner Intelligence Report: Interview with researcher, Anna Barnett.


Until now, we hadn’t really known the full impact of working remotely on learning and development because not enough people did it. Before working from home restrictions came into effect in March 2020, only one in twenty of the UK population worked from home. Today it's more than one in three.

To find out how to engage employees in learning and development, Mind Tools For Business has completed a study into how employees access learning, which resources are the most essential and how businesses might best support workers, including remote and hybrid workers, with their learning.

The report came out last week and Learning News caught up with researcher, Anna Barnett, from Mind Tools For Business.

The full report is available to download from the Mind Tools For Business website: Learner Intelligence Report 2022.

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