News story

Sales performance improvement: Imparta

LondonLearning NewsNews features

Interview with Nigel Webb from Imparta, a market leader in sales training and enablement, which is changing its model to an on-demand service.


How business trains and develops sales people is unrecognisable from the chalk and talk of the not-so-long-ago past. Perhaps nowhere are the advances in learning and development more apparent than in the sales sector, where the impact on performance of every investment can be more easily identified.

One business that has led the change over twenty years and is itself undergoing change, is the sales performance improvement provider, Imparta. It's changing its business model to an on-demand, cloud-based, sales training service. A number of market commentators including Training Industry and Selling Power Magazine have recognised Imparta's solution.

Nigel Webb from Imparta joins Learning News to discuss changes in the sector and Imparta's solution.

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