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5app's new CEO, Philip Huthwaite

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Interview with Philip Huthwaite CEO of boutique learning, comms and knowledge platform, 5app.


5app, a learning, comms and knowledge platform, has announced Philip Huthwaite as its new CEO. 

Huthwaite joins at a challenging time in the learntech sector, we've just reported how budgets are under pressure, the market is super crowded and platforms have traditionally struggled to differentiate themselves. To find out more about 5app and its plans Philip Huthwaite joins Learning News.


“Processes in place and data-driven decision-making so we can deliver more at speed and scale the business.”

“Our platform is elegant; it's extremely simple, extremely easy to use.”

“Set up is hours if not, days; a real game-changer in the fast-paced environment in which we operate.”

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5app: Learning, comms & knowledge. Simplified.