Panel discussion aims to help learning providers create standout PR
Webinar will explore what makes great PR and how learning providers can use it to stand out in the market.
Content and communications specialists, Itsdevelopmental Ltd, will be running a webinar on 22 May on how to create standout PR. The event is a panel discussion, which means attendees will be able to ask PR experts how to develop more impactful communications.
The event will cover the following topics:
- The role of PR in 2019: what is it and why do it?
- What makes great PR
- Tips for producing great PR on a budget
- Bad PR practices to avoid
- First steps for creating your PR campaign
Discussing these topics is an experienced panel of PR experts, including PR consultant and mayor of Wordville, Lucy George, editor of Training Journal, Jon Kennard and founder of Learning News, Rob Clarke.
Martin Couzins, director of Itsdevelopmental Ltd, said: “This is our second webinar that looks at how learning providers can use content and communications to stand out in the market. We are delighted to have such a great panel and have designed the event so that attendees can get their PR and communications questions answered by very experienced practitioners.”
Itsdevelopmental previously ran a webinar on content marketing for learning providers, using a panel discussion format. Feedback from that event was very positive. One attendee, said: “Great webinar and perfect timing when looking at the 2019 marketing strategy.”
For more details about the webinar and to sign up, please visit the event page.