University of Swansea becomes first Welsh university to create a bi-lingual anti-racism course
University of Swansea has become the first Welsh university to create a bi-lingual anti racism e-learning course for staff.
In collaboration with Marshall E-Learning, University of Swansea have developed a Welsh version of Marshall E-Learnings popular "Let's Talk About Race" E-Learning Course, which in turn has made it the first Welsh university to do so.
The programme is already is used widely across universities, but also NHS England, Manchester City Council and many forward thinking private sector organisations.
The ‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace’ race equality training course has been designed to persuade learners that racism is not just about explicit racist language, abuse or discrimination, rather it can take the form of inequality and inadvertent bias ingrained in the way organisations and society is run. The course intends to support learners to consciously and proactively address racial bias in their organisation.
Presented by Maggie Semple OBE, the course is a candid ‘conversation’ about race, with people from a variety of backgrounds talking about their experiences.
David Marshall owner of Marshall E-Learning said “the course has been developed to bring people together, and remove anxiety about this topic, and promote meaningful conversations, it is certainly not a box ticking exercise, and it is fantastic Swansea are investing in a welsh language version.’
Check out a preview of the course here.