Experts debate learning games in #GameWeek Hangout
Plymouth, UKLearning NewsSponge
The impact of gamification and games in workplace learning will take centre stage in a social media event this April.
#GameWeek is now in its second year
Now in its second year, #GameWeek brings together academics, L&D professionals and learning designers to explore the issues around the effective use of game-based learning.
The event will feature a Google Hangout discussion with leading gamification expert, Professor Karl M. Kapp, Senior Manager for Learning Solutions at Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) Group, Emma Barrow and Game Developer at Sponge UK, Jason Butler.
The panel will be talking about topics including getting gamification right, learner attitudes to gamification, game design and achieving business results with learning games. They will also be answering questions from the audience.
Award-winning elearning provider, Sponge UK is hosting #GameWeek.
The company’s Managing Director, Louise Pasterfield, said: “Games are becoming part of the fabric of modern learning design and increasingly being used at a tool to help improve workplace skills and performance. #GameWeek is an opportunity to ask the big questions about games in learning and share a wide range of resources and examples to help inform thinking about this growing area of learning technology.”
A range of blogs, resources infographics and interviews will be released during #GameWeek. A live poll will run throughout the event to gauge the current use of gamification and games in learning programmes.
#GameWeek takes place from April 11 to 17 via Sponge UK’s social media channels.
Anyone who would like to put a question to the #GameWeek Hangout panel should email
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