News story

Unique collaborative concept set to revolutionise corporate eLearning

UKLearning NewsCorporate eLearning Consortium

The Corporate eLearning Consortium, launching at Learning Technologies on 25 January, is designed to help corporates work smart, saving time and money while networking with others - sharing resources, knowledge and best practice on the road to eLearning success. Martin Baker is launching the new Consortium following the amazing success of his collaborative approach to eLearning in the charity sector.

The Corporate eLearning Consortium – launching at stand number 31 at Learning Technologies - is a membership organisation, offering the unique opportunity for organisations to access a wide range of eLearning, whilst networking and collaborating with others with similar goals – sharing resources, ideas and best practice.

Martin Baker – who is passionate about the benefits of collaborative working – is launching this unique concept into the corporate sector, following the amazing success of The Charity Learning Consortium, which he founded and leads. The Charity Learning Consortium is the biggest group of charities in the UK collaborating to share the cost of eLearning.

The newly formed Corporate eLearning Consortium builds on this blueprint of collaboration, and has been designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and resources, particularly about eLearning, but also about other learning technologies.

The Consortium will hold regular members’ meetings in central London, with case studies, workshops and sessions led by invited specialists and guest speakers, brought in to discuss issues raised by members. These meetings provide an invaluable forum to meet, network and share best practice.

“Membership of The Corporate eLearning Consortium is very much a partnership,” explains Martin. “Like The Charity Learning Consortium before it, the Consortium is based on the mantra ‘by the members, for the members’, with its future direction being shaped by our members’ needs.

“Having seen the many benefits of this unique collaborative approach, which keeps costs down and also enables networking and sharing of best practice and resources, I’m thrilled to be launching this exciting concept into the corporate world. It’s never been more important to ‘work smart’, and by working together L&D departments really can achieve ‘more for less’.”

The new Consortium provides a large and growing portfolio of more than 180 eLearning courses to members, created by our UK publishing partner Jenison – which offers the largest range of off-the-shelf eLearning of any UK publisher. These popular courses include leadership and management; health and safety; desktop IT skills and a full suite of ‘soft skills’ such as communication skills, personal development and customer service. Learners particularly like the UK audio which features on all courses.

But the Consortium provides much, much more than just access to eLearning… As well as the regular meetings, members can also network online, join special interest groups and monthly web-based training courses. Other benefits include a free rapid eLearning authoring tool and access to Towards Maturity’s Benchmark Centre.

All courses are hosted by The Corporate eLearning Consortium on a Moodle platform*, reducing the amount of input and support needed from IT departments - enabling corporate L&D teams to spend their valuable time and energy developing their people.

* Courseware is SCORM 1.2 compliant, ready to be installed on any SCORM 1.2 compliant LMS

About Martin Baker:

Martin Baker has been involved in eLearning for more than 20 years and is passionate about the benefits of collaborative working. He is the founder and CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium – the largest group of UK based charities collaborating to make eLearning affordable. He is also the MD of the newly formed Corporate eLearning Consortium – bringing the benefits of collaborative working to the corporate world. Martin is regarded as being one of the top ten most influential people in eLearning in the UK and works to raise the profile of the industry, regularly contributing to publications and presenting at conferences. He is a founding ambassador to the highly regarded learning technologies benchmarking organisation Towards Maturity, is an ambassador for LINGOs and sits on the eLearning Network board.

Note to editors:

If you’re visiting Learning Technologies then please come and say hello at stand number 31 – or text Susie Finch at the show on 07938 632 057. Can’t make it to Learning Technologies but would like to find out more about The Corporate eLearning Consortium and Martin’s vision for the new organisation? Then please email