The Training Foundation: Rethinking e-Learning
The Training Foundation is hosting another Open Day in Coventry on Tuesday 26th July. Attendees at this free event will learn about FIT™ - a new and innovative Employment Risk Reduction programme, hear from e-learning guru Clive Shepherd, enjoy a tasty lunch and get hands-on with the latest e-learning technology.
The event will open with a welcome and Industry Briefing from Nick Mitchell, Chief Executive of The Training Foundation. Nick will unveil Faster Induction Training (FIT™), a new and innovative Employment Risk Reduction programme for new employees and managers. Supported by UK industry, this customisable on-line induction programme covers eleven key workplace issues including those carrying legislative implications for all employers.
In his session On-line Training in the Fast Lane - Acce-Lerator® Les Hobbs, Director of Learning Solutions for The Training Foundation will demonstrate the unique Acce-Lerator® on-line learning object authoring tool. Acce-Lerator® has been specifically designed for learning and development professionals who wish to rapidly and cost-effectively implement an e-Learning strategy. The presentation will show how novice users can quickly create their own sophisticated e-Learning projects in-house at a fraction of the cost of using complex multimedia authoring suites or external development resources.
In her session More Effective e-Learning - The Certified e-Learning Professional ProgrammeTraining Consultant Louise Knott will provide an overview of the Certified e-Learning Professional Programme (CeLP®), its background and aims. Even if you are not currently using e-Learning, this session will help you understand how the CeLP® programme can
benefit your organisation.
During the lunch break, delegates will have the opportunity to try out innovative online learning resources as well as network with fellow delegates and The Training Foundation team.
In his session Rethinking e-Learning Clive Shepherd, Director of e-Learning for The Training Foundation, will challenge five popular myths about e-Learning:
- e-Learning is just a tool;
- the world is ready for self-study;
- e-Learning is not interactive;
- e-Learning is a job for the professionals
- and e-Learning is essentially unpopular.
In Improving Training Effectiveness - The Trainer Assessment Programme Mac MacDonald, Training Consultant, will present an overview of the six certifications within the Trainer Assessment Programme (TAP®), all of which are based on objective assessment models.
The event runs from 10.00amm to 3.00pm on Tuesday 26th July and is entirely free-of-charge. As a result places are limited. To request your place please dial +44 (0)2476 411288 or email via The Training Foundation via the link below.