TAP TV now on the air!
The Training Foundation has launched TAP TV, a dedicated web TV channel, available from the TAP Skills website 24 hours a day, world-wide. In addition to video clips that chronicle the ten year history of the TAP Learning System viewers can see and hear learning and development professionals from a wide range of sectors talking about their own experiences and the benefits generated from achieving TAP training qualifications.
When formally launching the new features within the website Nick Mitchell, Chief Executive of The Training Foundation commented: "I am consistently delighted by the the high value which learning and development professionals clearly place on the achievement of TAP® qualifications."
"One of the most rewarding things about TAP TV is that this gives those holding TAP® qualifications the ability to express their own feelings about their experiences of our courses and the major impact which these have subsequently had on their working life and their employability."
The Frequently Asked Questions section of TAP TV also represents a useful resource for those thinking about enrolling on courses leading to TAP® qualifications and seeking to find out more about the options available.
To tune in to TAP TV simply click here.