News story

REDTRAY first to renew Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme membership

LONDONLearning NewsTowards Maturity

The Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme funds the UK's largest corporate learning technology benchmark.

REDTRAY, the leading provider of blended learning solutions, is the first founding member of the Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme to renew its annual membership and commit to supporting the research programme into 2012.

The Towards Maturity Benchmark indentifies and shares ongoing good practices for implementing learning technologies more effectively. Thanks to the support of the Towards Maturity's Ambassadors the results of this valuable industry benchmark research are freely available. It also provides participants with high level personalised reports to help them improve the impact of learning technologies in their own workplace.

Over the eight years of benchmarking, 1500 organisations and 3000 learners across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors have benefited from Toward Maturity's popular free research.

Bob Woodland, Chairman and CEO of REDTRAY comments, "REDTRAY is proud to continually support the Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme and the important benchmark research they carry out across the full spectrum of learning and development. We are experiencing fast-paced and exciting times when it comes to learning technologies and the work Towards Maturity does is incredibly valuable to organisations."

The Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme is made up of 15 leading UK learning specialist companies. They work together as Ambassadors for change, identifying and improving good practice, raising awareness and driving the whole learning industry forward.

REDTRAY has recently partnered with Towards Maturity to research how and why live online learning environments are being used in business and to uncover practical lessons. The short study, entitled Harness the Power of Online Learning Study (add hyperlink) is just eleven questions and opens on August the 1st 2011 until September the 6th 2011.

Participants can elect to receive preliminary findings on the 16th of September. The full report will be freely available to all in October 2011 through

Laura Overton, Managing Director of Towards Maturity said, "I'm delighted that REDTRAY is continuing its support for the UK's largest corporate learning technology benchmark. This study isn't just a piece of research it's a performance improvement tool, an astonishing 73 percent of organisations that have already completed this year's study have found new ideas to help improve e-learning implementations."

Overton concludes, "Our Ambassador programme enables our valuable research to be freely available. We are particularly delighted to be partnering with REDTRAY to investigate how to harness live online learning more effectively through this interesting joint study."

The Towards Maturity and REDTRAY joint Harnessing the Power of Online Learning Study will run during August in parallel with the new extended deadline of the Towards Maturity's 2011 Benchmark Study.

Organisations that complete the 2011 Benchmark Study before August the 16th 2011 will receive a free personalised good practice score, recommended focus report and a new 'Time for Action - 101 Tips for Success' white paper.

The Ambassador Programme was launched in November 2010 and includes the following founding ambassadors Brightwave, Epic, GlobalEnglish, LINE, Communications, LMMatters, Plateau Systems, REDTRAY and The Charity Learning Consortium, plus CERTPOINT Systems, Digital Publishing, Element K, Fusion-Universal, Information Transfer, learndirect and Toolwire. For more information on the Toward Maturity Ambassador Programme please visit or email