News story

Towards Maturity Learning Health Check season extended; early results focus on reflection

Learning NewsTowards Maturity

Early 2019 results highlight that only 7% of L&D leaders report that their organisation encourages and provides time for reflection*.


By popular demand, the 2019 Learning Health Check season has now been extended until Monday 16th September. There is still enough time for people to complete their review and revisiting regularly can also help learning professionals to measure progress year on year, highlight areas where improvement is needed and provide evidence to build a business case for change.

The Towards Maturity Learning Health Check benchmarks an organisation’s processes, practices and performance metrics with peers at other companies. It is an invaluable reflective process, providing actionable insights to support a learning strategy and deliver impact.

As the 2019 season is near to close, early insight indicates a continued decline in L&D leaders reporting that their organisation encourages and provides time for reflection. Preliminary 2019 results show that just 7% of L&D leaders are reporting this, compared to 11% in 2018 and 14% in 2017. In high performing learning cultures, 38% highlight reflection as an important aspect of their work culture.

These insights provide a base for Towards Maturity’s annual research reports, reflecting the true voice of the L&D professionals around the world, highlighting trends and barriers from first-hand experience.

Since 2003, Towards Maturity has generated data and insights from more than 7,500 learning professionals and 55,000 learners across 83 countries and counting. The Health Check provides the evidence to show that effective learning innovation will directly improve key business measures: growth, transformation, productivity and profitability.

Jane Daly, Towards Maturity's Chief Insight Officer, encourages, “In the fast-pace changing world of work, making the time to reflect is a key ingredient and imperative if you want any investments in learning to stick. Today, 83% of L&D leaders highlight that they are not able to effectively help their organisations solve problems, citing reasons such as a lack of evidence, credible analytics, and a focus on the symptoms rather than the cause of problems. The Learning Health Check is a first step to an evidence-based approach, providing leaders with personalised insights that uncover critical blind spots and key principles to transform impact.’

97% of respondents that have completed the Learning Health Check have said that it has allowed them to make better decisions, add more value and see things that they weren’t able to see before.”

Whatever the starting point, simply set aside 40 minutes to reflect on your L&D strategy. Learning professionals around the globe are invited to use the Health Check for free during the Health Check season. Now extended, by completing the review by the 16th September 2019, participants will receive a notification the same day revealing their results through their personalised dashboard.

In 2019 Towards Maturity has also launched the new Learning Health Check Plus, giving organisations the opportunity to purchase additional, richer data that is most relevant to their requirements.

L&D professionals now have this extra time to complete a Learning Health Check:


The Learning Health Check undertakes support of Towards Maturity’s ambassador community

All responses remain confidential to the participant and Towards Maturity. Further information is in the confidentiality policy:

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