News story

Taking part in Towards Maturity 2012 Benchmark Study

LondonLearning NewsTowards Maturity

Benchmarking in learning is on the increase with a record 600 organisations completing study in 2011.

Benchmark research company, Towards Maturity launches its Benchmark Study, the largest benchmark study of its type in Europe.

In its ninth year, the study has identified a real trend towards benchmarking, with a record 600 organisations across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors participating in the 2011 study, 50% more organisations than in 2010.  Participants among European, US, Middle East and Asia Pacific companies also increased.

The Towards Maturity Benchmark study provides a unique opportunity for organisations to review their current approach to learning, compare their progress with peers and to use this information to take action to improve performance.  In 2011, an astonishing 73% of participants reported that just taking part in the study had given them new ideas to improve the impact of their learning services.  This year's study is even more thought provoking, thanks to the valuable input of leading industry experts including Jane Hart, Charles Jennings, Clive Shepherd, Nigel Paine, Rob Hubbard and others.

Taking part in the confidential 2012 Benchmark Study is easy; it takes between forty minutes to an hour to review an organisation's approach to learning using the online survey.  Once completed, participants receive immediately a complimentary paper entitled 101 Tips for Success and a free personalised company benchmark report, worth £300 about six weeks later.*

Mike Booth, Learning Technologies Manager for Cable & Wireless Worldwide and winner of this year's  E-learning Industry award for individual outstanding achievement, said, "It's encouraging to see a rise in benchmarking, and may it long continue.  I've been taking part in the Towards Maturity learning technology benchmark since 2003. I find the results thought provoking and a great source of ideas for performance improvement. The learning technologist is often quite a lone specialist role within organisations and the benchmarking allows me to make a comparison with the real world and to just stop for a moment to sanity check that I'm delivering tangible business benefits."   

Within the personalised Benchmark report available to each participant of the study, is their organisation's unique Towards Maturity Index (TMI) - the measurement of how mature an organisation's learning technology implementation is and, more importantly, how to improve it - companies in the top quartile of the TMI scale engage twice the audience, save an additional 33% of cost and 50% in reduced study time. Their staff also reach proven competency 6 times faster as a result of using learning technologies.**

Laura Overton, Managing Director of Towards Maturity said, "Despite the growing investment in learning technologies, a shocking percentage of organisations are not using these tools to their full potential. I urge the learning industry to not reinvent the wheel in these difficult economic times, our free 2012 Benchmark Study will help you identify priorities, reduce risk and deliver business benefits."

The Towards Maturity 2012 Benchmark Study is free to participant in thanks to the Towards Maturity's Ambassador Programme, made up of 20 leading learning organisations. They work together as Ambassadors for change, identifying and improving good practice, raising awareness and driving the whole learning industry forward.

The Towards Maturity's Ambassador Programme includes the following founding ambassadors Brightwave, Epic, GlobalEnglish, LINE Communications, The Corporate eLearning Consortium, successfactors, REDTRAY and The Charity Learning Consortium, plus CERTPOINT Systems, Speexx, Fusion-Universal, Information Transfer, learndirect, Toolwire, e2train,  QA, Ontuitive, MindLeaders  Upside Learning and IMC. 

More information on joining the Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme is available by email from

Notes to editors:

The 2012 benchmark study will be freely available from 12th June via the link

*Participants, who complete the Benchmark Study before the end of June, will receive their personalised benchmark in the middle of July. Participants who complete the benchmark after the end of June will receive their personalised report by mid-August.

** Data from 2010 Towards Maturity Benchmark Study, www.towardsmaturity.org2010benchmark